Due to the crazy North Dakota weather, and the wonderful blizzard we are having here right now on MARCH 10th, I was able to work at home this afternoon. And I did get a lot done but there were a few distractions. Miss Ella being the few distractions. I cant complain however, because we did have a great time. It made me think back to when I was little and I use to go to the church on days we didnt have school and be with my dad as he worked or if for some reason he worked from home. I would want to do whatever it was that he was doing, I normally got bored with that pretty fast and played with all the toy tractors he had in his office, that is after I raided his gum ball machine. Anyway, today Miss Ella wanted to be right there at the table with me. So I gave her a notebook and she was writing her "sermon" while I was doing some reading and journaling. It was quit cute and very distracting, but so fun just the same. And it got me thinking about how as parents of kids this young we have to really watch what we do. They want to be just like us. So in turn I want to be just like Him. I want to mimick Jesus as best I can, because Miss Ella is mimicking everything that I do. So I need to be that example for her. Have her learn now at a young age. Crazy how much 2 little girls totally changes your life. Oh and this pic is not of today working...just a cute pic I thought I would share..
~Learning as I go~
~Learning as I go~
fo' real. It can be scary sometimes. But usually it's alright. :)
I know you and Crystal are setting a great example for your girls. Parenthood is an awesome gift from God and even though there can be some bumps along the way, man what a ride!!
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